United States Mentorship Provider Register









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United States Mentorship Provider Register (USMPR)


The US Embassy for Peace (USEP) is a US 501(C)(3) public charity and US mentor Companies under the Learn America Do America (LADA) Program has commenced the development of a United States Mentorship Provider Register (USMPR) designed for domicile at the US department of State in pursuant to provisions in 22 U.S. Code § 2732, and 22 U.S. Code § 9904.


2. The U.S. Department of State in cooperation with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is mandated to ensure that information relating to foreign assistance provided by the United States, nongovernmental organizations, and private entities of the United States is disseminated widely within countries and regions that receive such assistance, as well as to coordinate a whole-of-government effort to expand United States efforts in supporting United States economic and business interests abroad thereby consulting with the private sector in the development of government-wide trade expansion efforts.


3. This means that the U.S. Department of State will liaise with the US Embassy for Peace (USEP) and US mentor Companies in the advancement of the Learn America Do America (LADA) Program, and the maintenance and publication of the United States Mentorship Provider Register (USMPR).


4. LADA program’s mission is to build a world of peace and progress by encouraging US citizens and companies to provide business mentorship and assistance to people of developing nations and in return, people of developing nations provide robust business mentorship advantages to US business.



5. The United States Mentorship Provider Register (USMPR) was developed to ensure visibility and utility of the American Mentorship and Assistance in the US and within countries and regions that receive such assistance


6. The LADA program enjoys the input of Government Agencies including the Department of State, Department of Commerce, US Agency for international Development, Executive office of the President, Office of Management and Budget the LADA Protocol;

                                      i.     Aid Stage/Aid Diplomacy

                                      ii.    Infrastructure  Stage/Infrastructure Diplomacy

                                      iii.   Commercial Stage/ Commercial Diplomacy



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