1. Identify profit yeilding opportunities for US businesses in foreign economies
2. Transform the US businesses into US Aid providers in foreign economies
3. Integrate US businesses into the economic community of foreign economies
4. Promote business Advantage for US businesses in foreign economies.
Learn America Do America (LADA) Program is a New American International Mentorship Initiative, designed to develop the world while developing America
The USEP will through the LADA Public Diplomacy Protocol, stage the engagement of US businesses and an international mentee in chosen economic sector establishing a work Experience scheme (WES) or a Business Engagement scheme.
Mentee Introduction Letters will be available for Mentees after the Preliminary Mentorship Agreement by the US Department of Commerce in support of Identifying profit yeilding opportunities for US businesses in foreign economies
The USEP will through the LADA Public Diplomacy Protocol strengthen the diplomatic status of the mentor. Mentor Certification Letters will be available for mentors after the Preliminary Mentorship Agreement by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in support of transforming the US businesses into US Aid providers in foreign economies
The USEP will, through the LADA Public Diplomacy Protocol, work with the Department of State and the ministry of foreign affairs or the diplomatic equivalent of the international mentees (companies) to develop the Mentorship Partner State Agreement (MPSA).
MPSA Planning will be available after the Preliminary Mentorship Agreement by the US Department of State in support of Integrating US businesses into the economic community of foreign economies
4. Promote business
Advantage for US
businesses in foreign
The USEP will, through the LADA Public Diplomacy Protocol, work with the Government of the international mentees (companies) and the US missions in the host country to secure the successful delivery of the MPSA.
MPSA Execution will be available after MPSA by the the United States Trade Representative in support of Promoting business Advantage for US businesses in foreign economies
ADMISSION into the LADA program is open to US local and International Ventures in US all 50 states as US Mentor Companies, as well as Prospecting Entrepreneurs from US Partner Countries as international mentees. The US Embassy for Peace (USEP) within the Foreign Mentorship Engagement Service (FMES) will liaise with the US Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration and other US Government agencies to ensure that necessary information and training are made available for both Mentor and mentee
AGREEMENT for the LADA program is the Mentorship Partnership Agreement (MPSA) between US local or International Venture in any of US all 50 states as US Mentor Companies and Prospecting Entrepreneur or Company from a participating US Partner Country. The US Embassy for Peace (USEP) within the Foreign Mentorship Engagement Service (FMES) will liaise with the US Department of state and other US Government agencies to invoke or strengthen the US current binational agreement with the participating Partner Country.
ASSIGNMENT for the LADA program is commence with a Mentorship Work Experience Scheme (MES) between a US local or International Ventures within US 50 states as US Mentor Companies and a Prospecting Entrepreneurs from a participating US Partner Country. The US Embassy for Peace (USEP) within the Foreign Mentorship Engagement Service (FMES) will liaise with the US Department of State and other US Government agencies to certify the Business engagement between Mentor and Mentee as Diplomatic Business
ADMINSTRATION for the LADA program will be coordinated through the International Mentorship Facility Administration in US all 50 states and all participating US Partner Countries. The US Embassy for Peace (USEP) within the Foreign Mentorship Engagement Service (FMES) will liaise with the US Department of state and other US Government agencies to develop provide diplomatic support both the Local and foreign IMFAs .
Mentorship Assurance Scheme (MAS) is the primary project of the Learn America Do America (LADA) Program consisting of a rewarding and secured mentorship protocol for US Mentor Companies from 50 US States and International Mentees from more than 160 US partner Countries
Mentorship Assurance Scheme (MAS) includes the work Experience Scheme WES) and Business Engagement Scheme (WES)