Encouraging the people of developed nations to provide business mentorship to people of developing nations. In return, people of developing nations provide robust business mentorship advantages to people of developed Nations

US Partner Nations


 The President of USEP has approved  the commencement of  a Joint Implementation Action for  Learn America Do America (LADA) Program and deployment of US Public Diplomacy resources and privileges to all US Partner Nations 



 As part of the Joint Implementation action for  the Learn America Do America (LADA) program in the World,  the  US Foreign Mentorship Engagement Service (FMES)  has been introduced to provides a management hub for  Public Diplomacy Resources from the US Government  Agencies.

US Foreign Mentorship Engagement Service (FMES)


How it works


ADMISSION into the LADA program is open to US local and International Ventures in US all 50 states as US Mentor Companies, as well as Prospecting Entrepreneurs from US Partner Countries as international mentees. The US Embassy for Peace (USEP) within the Foreign Mentorship Engagement Service (FMES) will liaise with the US Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration and other US Government agencies to ensure that necessary information and training  are made available for both Mentor and mentee 


AGREEMENT for the LADA program is the  Mentorship Partnership Agreement (MPSA) between US local or International Venture in any of  US all 50 states as US Mentor Companies and Prospecting Entrepreneur or Company from a participating US Partner Country. The US Embassy for Peace (USEP) within the Foreign Mentorship Engagement Service (FMES) will  liaise with the US Department of state and other US Government agencies to invoke or strengthen the US current binational agreement with the participating Partner Country.


ASSIGNMENT for the LADA program is commence with a Mentorship Work Experience Scheme (MES) between a US local or International Ventures within US 50 states as US Mentor Companies and a Prospecting Entrepreneurs from a participating US Partner Country. The US Embassy for Peace (USEP) within the Foreign Mentorship Engagement Service (FMES) will liaise with the US Department of State and other US Government agencies to certify the Business engagement between Mentor and Mentee as Diplomatic Business 


ADMINSTRATION for the LADA program will be coordinated through the International Mentorship Facility Administration in US all 50 states and all participating US Partner Countries. The US Embassy for Peace (USEP) within the Foreign Mentorship Engagement Service (FMES) will liaise with the US Department of state and other US Government agencies to develop provide diplomatic support both the Local and foreign IMFAs .

US Foreign Mentorship Engagement Service (FMES)

  • US Department of State (USDOS),

  • US Department of Commerce (USDOC),

  • US Agency for International Development (USAID)

  • US Executive Office of the President (USEOP).



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